Application for admission

Sign up to be a member of Obra das Mães

Conditions: All women of legal age who recognize the principles of Obra das Mães and who are willing to comply with the obligations specified in the statute of the organization, can become members upon recommendation by two active members, enrolled for at least two years, and with the approval of the Board of Directors.

Procedures: Submit the completed application form and supporting documents to the Headquarters of Obra das Mães, located at Avenida República. The status of member will be granted to the applicant after the approval of the Board and upon receipt of the membership fee of MOP 200.

Documents to be attached:
1. Application form
2. Copy of resident identity card
3. Colour photo of size 1.5 inches
4. Annual membership fee of MOP 200

Application for financial allowance from Obra das Mães

Conditions: The financial allowance is reserved exclusively for the elderly who are living on their own, the poor with chronic illness, single-parent families and those who are otherwise in great need.

Procedures: Submit the completed application form and supporting documents to the Headquarters of Obra das Mães or to our Centro de Convívio. Social workers will visit the applicant in order to understand the economic conditions of the family. A report will be submitted to the Board for consideration. The day after approval, the applicant will receive the fixed monthly allowance in order to alleviate his or her economic difficulties.


Admission form Download
Subsidy application form Download